What HCPs Really Want: New Data on Pharma Communication Preferences

What do HCPs really think about your emails? New data reveals a staggering 68% feel burnt out by pharma emails. But there's hope: learn why 72% of HCPs now prefer short, personalized videos and how this shift is transforming patient care and clinical outcomes.

"Not another email!" How often do you think doctors say this? Probably more than we'd like to admit. But what if there was a way to communicate that HCPs actually look forward to? Recent studies on HCP preferences are shedding light on a shift that's too big to ignore. Let's break it down.

The Email Fatigue is Real

A day in the life of an HCP is busy, to say the least. On average, they receive over 100 emails daily. Pharma messages? They're often the first to get filtered out. It's not personal; it's just overwhelming.

Key stat: 68% of HCPs report feeling "email burnout" from pharma communications.

So, what do they want instead?

HCPs Speak Up: Video Takes the Lead

When asked about their preferred way to receive information from pharma companies, the results were clear:

  • 72% favored short, personalized video messages
  • 65% liked the idea of video + text summaries
  • Only 23% chose traditional emails

But why this strong preference for video?

  1. Time is Money (and Patient Care) HCPs reported that they could grasp key information from a 2-minute video faster than from skimming a full-page email. That saved time? It goes back to patient care.
  2. The Personal Touch Matters "It feels like they're talking to me, not at me," said one surveyed physician about personalized video messages. This sentiment was echoed across specialties.
  3. Mobility is King 94% of HCPs use smartphones for professional purposes. Videos optimized for mobile viewing fit perfectly into their workflow, unlike emails that often render poorly on small screens.
  4. Interactive > Passive Modern video platforms allow for immediate feedback, quick questions, or easy meeting scheduling. This interactivity was highly valued among survey respondents.

Real-world Impact: Beyond Preferences

But do these preferences translate into action? The data says a resounding yes.

  • Clinical trial recruitment videos saw 3.5x higher response rates compared to email campaigns.
  • Continued medical education (CME) programs using video teasers had a 78% higher completion rate than those promoted via email alone.
  • Patient support program enrollments increased by 124% when introduced with personalized HCP video invitations versus standard emails.

The Highp Difference: Tailored for Pharma

This is where platforms like Highp come into play. Built specifically for the pharmaceutical industry, Highp turns these HCP preferences into reality:

  • Hyper-personalization: Not just "Dear Dr. Smith," but content tailored to specialties, interests, and past interactions.
  • Compliance-friendly: All videos can be pre-approved, ensuring your message stays within guidelines while still feeling personal.
  • Multichannel reach: Combining the power of SMS alerts with rich video content, ensuring your message doesn't just sit in an inbox.
  • Analytics that matter: Track not just views, but engagement levels, helping refine future communications.

A representative from a top 10 pharma company using Highp reported: "We've seen a 40% increase in HCP engagement since switching to personalized video messaging. More importantly, the quality of those interactions has skyrocketed."

The Bottom Line: Adapt or Be Ignored

The message from HCPs is loud and clear: they're ready for a change, and video is at the heart of it. Email isn't dead, but it needs a powerful ally. By integrating video into your communication strategy, you're not just following a trend; you're respecting your audience's preferences and time.

In an industry where relationships and trust are everything, can you afford not to make this switch?

Curious to see how your HCPs might respond to video? Maybe it's time for a pilot program. After all, the best data is your own data.

The message from HCPs is loud and clear: they're ready for a change, and video is at the heart of it. Email isn't dead, but it needs a powerful ally. By integrating video into your communication strategy, you're not just following a trend; you're respecting your audience's preferences and time.

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