Connecting with Healthcare Heroes: The Highp Way

A world where your messages don't just get sent; they get seen, heard, and acted upon.

Grab Attention: Our video-first approach catches eyes where emails fail. With interactive content, auto-generated GIFs, and AI subtitles, we make your message unmissable.

Every day, healthcare professionals (HCPs) are swamped with information. Emails pile up, and vital messages often go unnoticed. But what if there was a way to break through?

Enter Highp, your bridge to the HCP world.

Imagine your rep, Sarah, reaching out to Dr. Lee. Instead of another text-heavy email, she sends a quick, personal video. Dr. Lee, intrigued by the thumbnail on his phone, taps play. He watches Sarah's 30-second update while grabbing his morning coffee. Just like that, your message lands—30 times more effectively than a traditional email.

But Highp doesn't stop there.

When you need to use Veeva Approved Email, Highp adds a secret ingredient: video. Suddenly, those approval-friendly emails are getting three times more clicks and reads.

And because HCPs are always on the move, Highp doubles down on outreach. A timely SMS arrives, followed by an email. No complex integrations, no fuss—just your message, delivered two ways, boosting the chances of a response.

Every HCP is unique, and Highp knows it. Dr. Lee receives content tailored just for him—from the basics like his name and specialty to his specific interests. It's this personal touch that keeps him coming back, message after message.

Need to share a video, launch a quick survey, or send some documents? Highp bundles it all into one sleek package. No more juggling multiple platforms or building extra web pages. It's all there, at the HCP's fingertips.

Speaking of fingertips, that's where the magic really happens. Highp is built for the device HCPs always have on hand: their smartphone. This mobile-first approach is why an astounding 56% to 93% of HCPs engage with Highp messages. They tap, they watch, they respond—right from their phones.

The result? A world where your messages don't just get sent; they get seen, heard, and acted upon. Where HCPs don't just scroll past; they lean in, curious about what you have to share.

This is the Highp difference. Simple for you, compelling for them. It turns the daily deluge of information into a curated stream of insights, delivered right to the palms of healthcare heroes.

Ready to write the next chapter in your HCP engagement story? Let's bring Highp into the narrative.

Contact our consultant!